Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pacific Rim WonderCon Footage: Another Transformers?

Pacific Rim Takes Lessons from Michael Bay and Transformers

Pacific Rim has a decent premise. Gargantuan aliens known as Kaiju have invaded Earth, roaming the seas and they definitely prove to be more potent than any of mankind’s weapons of mass destruction. Humans have not raised the white flag, though. They’ve built an army of equally large robots (Jaegers) controlled by people through a neural bridge to fight these extraterrestrial species.

Large Robots? Sounds familiar. Oh right, we saw large robots in the Transformers trilogy, so is Pacific Rim just a light spin on Transformers by pitting robots against aliens instead of each other? On first glance, this seems just like that, a hollow summer blockbuster filled with enough action and explosions to leave children and adults in awe.

Guillermo Del Toro, producer and director of the movie is already keen on a sequel. He even muses on the idea of a Pacific Rim- Godzilla crossover. This seems highly improbable but after seeing all the footage I suppose Godzilla served as inspiration to the movie’s development, rather than a point for a movie follow-up. Most of the aliens look like Godzilla and his distant aunts and cousins anyway.

The basic point is that Pacific Rim seems to have borrowed bits and pieces from across the Sci-Fi genre, hoping that it combines well together like some kid’s science fair chemistry project. It’s eclectic, scattered. And like most children’s science projects, the results could be as arbitrary and messy as the initial idea. But of course, if you want fireworks and massive gadgetry like half the world’s populace, the movie will do just fine at the box office. 

Pacific Rim poster
Optimus Prime's new hardware failed like before.

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