Saturday, June 1, 2013

Man of Steel's Marketing Problem

Have 4 Trailers and 9 TV Spots Ruined the Man of Steel for Audiences? 

Have we already seen the Man of Steel movie? So far, we’ve had 4 trailers, and countless TV spots that seem to give away almost the entire plot. Check out the comments on any social network’s posts and the general consensus is that piecing together the trailers and the TV spots gives the movie in its entirety. Of course, this is exaggeration but has Zack Snyder along with his creative team given away too much?

Over the last few weeks, we saw the inclusion of more Superman powers, primarily heat vision, which we witnessed in Trailer 4, one centered on Zod and his group of villains. This trailer left us off on an exceptionally high note, anticipating much more besides the sentimental and philosophical aspects of the film. 
I’m not as mad at the trailers as I am at the TV spots that flooded the media following the last trailer. The trailers were perfect, building up the momentum to an epic event come June 14. But the TV spots reveal bits and pieces from everywhere. We’ve seen Superman’s use of his powers in more detail (saving people and of course, more heat vision) and his budding romance with Lois Lane. The latter is one that I though was best left out until we watched the movie, because frankly, I don’t know how it’s going to fit in seamlessly along with an alien invasion. To me, it was more like material that would emerge in a sequel, or for those impatient ones, something that turns up at the end of the film. SEE! This is what I’m talking about. The 9 TV spots have presented fragmented revelations from all over the movie and it has turned our minds into pulp, trying to process all the minute details.

Warner Bros.’ universal advertising campaign is justified, though. This is after all, a reboot. Considering the fact that Superman Returns wasn’t a full-blown success, they have to finally get it right. Superman has had an extended hiatus from the silver screen since the last successful picture back in 1980 (Superman II). Besides, since the hopes of a potential Justice League movie are pinned on the Man of Steel, Warner needs to elevate people’s anticipation regarding the movie.

We have 2 weeks to go till the premiere, and this marketing behemoth is unlikely to stop now, lest people forget the hype surrounding this summer blockbuster. Henry Cavill’s Superman is seen on your box of cereal, at the local Wal-Mart and across billboards nationwide. Superman is ubiquitous. My guess is that we may see another TV spot to round off the number at 10, even though I would prefer if they recycle material for now. If they do release new footage, I won’t be watching it like a half-crazed drug addict like I have these past few weeks, because I’m already certain of watching this movie. I’m already certain of its inevitable and paramount success. After all, this is the world’s first superhero back to reclaim his rightful place in cinema.  

Henry Cavill Man of Steel

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